Photo 1. Andriy Kachur, 30 years old. The photo on  a black background. In the picture, only the upper part of his body is seen. Andriy has cool brown hair, cut short at the temples and combed to the side; big blue eyes and a straight nose. His ears are protruding and pointed. There is a soft pink blush on his cheeks, a barely noticeable smile on his full lips and a light stubble under them. The man also has a very short neck with a silver necklace and a black lace on it. His right shoulder is higher than his left. The man is wearing a white T-shirt with a small Lacoste patch — a green crocodile.

andriy kachur

kharkiv -> miami

Andriy Kachur was born on 24th August 1993 in the town of Mala Vyska in Kropyvnytskyi region. Andriy is a professional athlete. He belongs to the Kharkiv para-armwrestling team and is a member of the Ukraine national para-armwrestling team. The man has a physical disability.

Until 24th February 2022, Andriy Kachur lived in Kharkiv. He worked in IT and has been preparing for the Ukrainian para-armwrestling championship.

Фото 3. Напівтемне приміщення заповнене людьми. Посередині — стіл для армреслінгу, накритий синьо-червоною резиновою скатертиною; за ним на кріслах колісних змагаються двоє чоловіків — Андрій у чорній футболці з написом «ПИШИ МАЙБУТНЄ» англійською та темноволосий чоловік у яскраво-зеленій футболці. Андрій перемагає. За реслінгом спостерігають глядачі, які стоять позаду, та інші учасники на кріслах колісних.

After 24th February, life was divided into before and after… I had beautiful plans for this year, and unfortunately it so happened that everything was taken away from me”.



On the morning of 24th February 2022, Andriy was woken up by a call from a friend.

He said: ‘Andriy, the war has started! Grab your things quickly and go home, not even to Kyiv but to your parents…’ To be honest, I did not believe him and went back to sleep. But my sleep didn’t last long as I heard explosions, heard planes, heard mass hysteria in the street and began to think quickly what to do. I was probably lucky because I lived on the ground floor and I had a bomb shelter — just 50 meters from the lobby. I stayed there until the evening when it all died down”.

After talking to his coach, Andriy decided to evacuate, although at first the man was rather skeptical about it. He believed that the attacks would stop in a few days.

By that time, I already knew that saboteurs had driven all over Kharkiv and scattered all sorts of not very good things that one shouldn’t pick up. I left the apartment to go to the train station. In my lobby, I saw a black package. It was already night-time... And there were some steps, I had no way to get around them. I could not jump down ’cause I was on crutches... And I just thought that maybe it would turn out okay after all. Because I lived in such an area — I did not live in Saltovka, but in the area of the 71st, it still suffers. So I started to go down the steps. And then the wind blew, and this package appeared. I froze with fear, just for a moment. But then I realized that it was just a package, and it was just blown away. I got in a taxi, we drove through the whole city — it was very scary, everything was burning somewhere far away, there were flashes”.

The coach helped Andriy to take a train to Kropyvnytskyi. Two days later, the railway track on which the train was travelling was bombed.

In the morning, on 25th February, the man arrived at his parents’ house in Mala Vyska, Kropyvnytskyi region.

Andriy became apathetic. He lost his job. It was hard for him to accept the fact that the war changed his life, that all the efforts and resources invested in his sports career were wasted.



Andriy stayed with his parents for a month. All this time he was thinking about what to do next. And he decided to go to the United States — the country he has been wanting to visit for a long time. He agreed with an acquaintance from Mala Vyska, who was leaving with her children to the West of Ukraine. Late in the evening of 24th March, Andriy crossed the Ukrainian-Polish border in the Lviv region.

From the refugee center nearest to the border the man went to Warsaw. Once in the capital of Poland, Andriy bought tickets to Miami. It was a spontaneous decision.

I had no one there [in Miami — editor’s note]. It was my dream; besides, I had nothing to lose.
I was shocked that my sports career was on pause, maybe even over. I simply realized that I had to set new goals and achieve them”.

On 26th March, Andriy Kachur flew from Warsaw to Miami. He had four stopovers: in France, Mexico and two more in the United States.

On 28th March, Andriy landed in Miami.

Фото 4. Андрій, спираючись на старенькі чорні милиці, стоїть у кафе з паперовим горнятком у руці. Він широко всміхається. На чоловікові біла футболка з абстрактним чорно-жовтим малюнком та світло-коричневі штани.

“After I left the airport, I immediately felt like I was in some kind of bathhouse because just in a few seconds I was doused with water. It was very hot and humid there. But also nice, clean, and tidy. Then I rented a room and started looking for someone to cooperate with”.

The man managed to find community through sports. He continues to train actively with an arm wrestling team at a local club.

In early summer, Andriy found a job in Miami. He works as a developer for a local company that creates solutions for the airline business.

Фото 5. Селфі Андрія та курчавого чоловіка у спортивній майці та шортах. Камеру тримає приятель Андрія. Чоловіки позують у кафе у стилі «лофт», усміхаючись та демонструючи біцепси. Вони сидять за дерев’яним столиком, що його прикращає горщик із жовтими квітами та двома прапорцями США.

Фото 6. Сонячний день на морі. Андрій позує на яхті, спершись на милиці та на сидіння пластикового стільця позаду. Чоловік широко усміхається. На ньому синя футболка з маленьким пустельним пейзажем, під яким напис англійською «загубися».

You can’t even imagine how equal everyone is here. I saw people with worse physical abilities than mine, and they work just fine. They are doing great: they drive cars and live their fulfilling lives".

Andriy tries to financially support his family and Ukraine during the war. For now, he plans to stay in the United States and pursue his dreams.