Photo 1. Nataliya Petrenko, 40 years old. A slim woman with voluminous brown hair down to her shoulder blades is standing on a sunny green street. She is wearing a black dress with light yellow and grey flowers, puffed sleeves and a square neckline. Nataliya has an oval face with a massive chin and dark grey slightly down-turned eyes. There are grey eyeshadow, black eyeliner and mascara on her eyes as well as pink gloss on her lips. Nataliya has clearly defined thin eyebrows and a convex nose. In her ears are thin metal bird-shaped earrings, one of which is twice as big as the other. There is a white bag in the crook of Nataliya's elbow. Her nails are painted white.

Nataliya Petrenko

kyiv -> schwanau

Nataliya Petrenko was born on 28th May 1982 in Chernihiv region. She is engaged in activism, including fundraising and project management. She is raising a daughter. She has a disability due to hearing impairment.

Until 24th February 2022, she lived in Kyiv with her daughter and worked at a charity foundation that helps people with hearing impairments.



On the morning of 24th February, a panic-stricken friend called Nataliya and told her about the beginning of a full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation. The friend offered to leave Kyiv with her. Back then, Nataliya did not regard the situation as real, and to calm herself down, she went for coffee with her friend.

By that time, the whole city was in traffic jams. People were leaving en masse. And we were drinking coffee, perhaps, not recognizing the seriousness of the situation”.

Upon returning home, the woman packed a grab-and-go bag and found out where the nearest bomb shelter was.Nataliya and her daughter spent the night of 24–25th February in the shelter of the nearest school.

Фото 3. Селфі Наталі у шкільному укритті — низькому підземному коридорі з кам’янистою підлогою та бетонними розмальованими графіті стінами. Уздовж стіни на однаковій відстані один від одного висять аркуші з назвами класів: «5-Б», «5-В»… Посередині коридору зіставлені дерев‘яні лави, накриті карематами. На них сидять дорослі й діти, зокрема Наталя та її донька. Наталя у круглих окулярах із чорною загостреною нагорі оправою, у сірій спортивній кофті та зібраним на потилиці волоссям. Трохи позаду сидить кругловида дівчина років п‘ятнадцяти. Її темне волосся перекинуте на праве плече й зав‘язане у хвіст; чоло прикриває зачесана набік гривка. Дівчина вдягнена в червону кофту та сірі лосіни. Вона дивиться в об’єктив і легко всміхається. Позаду розташувалися ще двоє дівчаток років десяти в піжамах. Вони показують у камеру жест миру.

“It was probably the most terrible night that could be. I was there with my friends, with my closest ones who stayed in Kyiv… After that night, they decided to leave the city and offered me to go with them”.




In the evening of 25th February, Nataliya with her daughter and cat joined her friend’s family who were evacuating to Western Ukraine — to Truskavets.

The journey wasn’t easy because we did not go on the highway but drove around some other roads, other villages, and it lasted for a long, long time. We did not expect to be on the road for so long. We drove until night and then, at night... We realised that we needed to spend the night somewhere because there were three adults, two children, a dog and a cat in the car. The driver needed to rest”.

So they stayed in a hostel in Vinnytsia. They were allocated a utility room for the night. In the morning of 26th February, they left Vinnytsia and arrived in Truskavets in the evening.

On the way, there was … one kinda very nice moment. I don’t remember at all where it was, what kind of area it was and what day of the road it was, but there was a village where women were treated with hot food, soup, tea and bread. It was very appropriate, it was very… touching… It made me tear up”.

Nataliya, her daughter and friends were accommodated in a sanatorium that had not been functioning for some time. The woman and her daughter were given a separate room.

Emotionally, there was an expectation that tomorrow, everything would end and we would return to Kyiv… It was very difficult to accept that it would not end quickly. Other than that, everything was fine: we were together with friends, we were fed there and it was just fine”.

в укритті у школі, ніч з 24 на 25 лютого 2022 року, Київ.

However, it became increasingly clear that the military invasion would not end soon. The news was getting worse and worse, the number of air raids was increasing, and the children and animals were having an emotional hard time with it all. At the same time, Nataliya’s friend with whom she had evacuated from Kyiv offered to go with them to her mother-in-law in Germany.

If I was alone, I would have been afraid to go somewhere with a child and a cat. And here we were together with my friend — I knew it would be easier this way. I knew it wasn’t possible to stay in Truskavets, in the sanatorium, forever. I mean, I would still have to look for another shelter. And it is unknown how things will move and what will happen next”.

On 5th March, Nataliya, her daughter and her friend’s family left Truskavets for Germany. The friend’s husband drove them as close as possible to the Ukrainian-Polish border from where they went ahead on foot. On the way, they met women like them: tired, anxious, scared, with or without children, with a pet or a friend.

After crossing the border, they managed to get to the nearest railway station where local volunteers provided help and support to the Ukrainian refugees. From there, Nataliya went to Krakow. At that time, there were a lot of Ukrainian refugees in Krakow. Therefore, the queue for temporary asylum was huge. Given this, the husband of Nataliya’s friend booked a hotel near the railway station for the women with their children.

The next evening, on 6th March, they left for Germany.


In the morning of 7th March, they were met by the relatives of the friend. They brought the women with children and animals to the village of Schwanau.

Nataliya with her daughter and her friend’s family live in a private house where they were given the entire second floor for accommodation and disposal. Her friend’s relatives help her with adaptation and legalisation in the new place. Nataliya started learning German. She faced some difficulties while learning a new language due to her hearing impairment.

It is difficult to learn German because they have endings that I don’t hear well — these are deaf sounds at high frequencies… I understand that this thing prevents me from fully accepting the fact that I need to learn the language and make efforts. I was very worried in the beginning because I know how hard it is to study if you have a hearing impairment. And I realised very clearly at the first lessons that I have the same feelings, the same fears, the same difficulties that I had when I was studying at a Ukrainian school and university — without hearing aids, I couldn’t get anything".

Фото 6. На дерев’яному столі лежать у формі клевера чотири фетрових сердечка на мотузочках: згори — фіолетове, внизу — блакитне, праворуч — червоне, ліворуч — зелене. До кожного з них посередині пришите сердечко меншого розміру, а зверху ще одне, ще менше. До фіолетового — синє та блакитне, до блакитного — синє та рожеве, до червоного — жовте та рожеве, до зеленого — блакитне та жовте. Найменші сердечка на тих, що ліворуч і праворуч, прикрашені булавками за контуром.

Nataliya tries to find a resource for herself by volunteering at a refugee centre where she helps Ukrainian women and men, as well as by conducting felt-making workshops for children and art classes.

Nataliya completes the projects she started in Ukraine by working online. She is trying to find a similar job in project management in Germany.

Фото 5. На дерев’яному столі у світлій кімнаті стоїть темно-синя фетрова сумка з ремінцем. Вона прямокутна, та завширшки лише трохи довша, ніж заввишки; має закруглені кути та білу строчку за периметром. Посередині пришите червоне серце. Ліворуч нього — синьо-червоно-жовтий прапорець, а праворуч — блакитно-жовтий. Позаду на столі — букет білих тюльпанів. Видно бежеві стіни кімнати й одну червону, при якій дерев’яна шафа; світлий паркет і мансардне вікно.